I got my start doing beauty retouch work for makeup artists trying to build their portfolio. As a makeup artist myself, I understood that their images had to still look like the artist's work without being overly retouched.

Makeup & Hair by Christina | Photographer Unknown.

Makeup & Hair by Harley Quinn | Photographer Unknown

Makeup & Hair by Aaron Worman | Dress by Aaron Worman | Photographer Unknown

Makeup & Hair by Christina | Photographer Unknown

Hair & Makeup by Sara | Photographer Unknown

Hair & Makeup: Harley Quinn | Photographer Unknown

Makeup & Hair : Aaron Worman | Photographer Unknown

Hair & Makeup: Nicole DeSimone | Photographer Unknown
As I honed my skills with photoshop, I expanded from retouching beauty shots to other types of images.

OPERA under the stars. Originally used for my City Opera Project.

This image was used for a dance flyer for Andrea Beeman. The doors needed to be removed to give more of a stage like feel to the image.

This image was used for a flyer for Andrea Beeman. Again, some elements needed to be removed to convince the viewer that this is on a stage.